Beyond Enjoyment

Posted on by Sen.

The pointer of “follow your joy” is a temporary bridge to take you out of a fear-based mindset, or a struggle-based mindset. However, there is a drive far stronger than just joy, I like to call this drive as an wholeness based movement; this movement is not just dependent on enjoyment, rather it seems to […]

A False Sense of Extra-ordinariness

Posted on by Sen.

A reality based truth about life is that it’s always at square one, all the time, no matter what relative changes are perceived. When you deeply realize this truth about life it will unequivocally burst any bubble of extra-ordinariness that you might be holding on to, about yourself, about others, about a future event or […]

How to Overcome Over-Excitement and Anxiety?

Posted on by Sen.

The state of over-excitement is a sign of inner restlessness and instability. This imbalance becomes evident when you notice that the states of over-excitement always create the opposite states of a real downer (depression or frustration) as the next cycle. Over-excitement pulls you to one extreme of light natured polarity. As result the next swing […]

A Deeper Understanding of Wholeness

Posted on by Sen.

The state of wholeness may very well look like a “light natured” state on the outside, in many ways, but in truth it’s far more deeper than a light natured state. The experience of wholeness and the experience of joy are two different feelings altogether – joy is a purely light natured state, whereas wholeness […]

The Power of Allowing

Posted on by Sen.

The state of suffering is simply a state of resistance to what arises, the end of suffering is when you are fully open to what arises, without any fear. This does not mean that when you become open to what arises, you will end up in perpetual joy (light nature), that would be totally unnatural, […]

A Natural Patience

Posted on by Sen.

The word “patience” can have some gloomy undertones for the mind as it implies “waiting longer”. However, as far as the mind is concerned it can never really understand what patience means, all it can do is develop “controlled impatience” – some people are good at controlling their impatience as a matter of discipline, they […]

Light And Dark Nature of A Desired Reality

Posted on by Sen.

There are many books, and websites, available today which teach about the potential to create reality using techniques of visualization. Basically, the technique is to visualize the reality you desire, in your mind, and emotionally create the good feelings that you want to experience through the manifestation of this reality. Such a visualization is what […]

Healing the Imbalance

Posted on by Sen.

If you observe scientifically, you will notice that life-energy is a combination of two polarities, different teachings use different names to define these polarities – yin and yang, masculine and feminine, dark and light, high and low etc. The biggest misunderstanding is to assume that harmony can come by rejecting one polarity and clinging to […]

An Individual Journey

Posted on by Sen.

You can sense that in spite of being surrounded by billions of living beings you are still inherently alone. This sense of aloneness cannot be helped because you are an individual stream of consciousness; your individual-ness cannot be erased and hence will always create this sense of separateness and thus the feeling of being alone. […]

A Lesson In Humility

Posted on by Sen.

One of the most important understandings, we come to gain, through our physical journey, is the lesson of humility. The truth is that power can/will become corrupt in the absence of humility. As the famous spider-man dialogue goes – “With great power comes great responsibility”, and without a sense of humility we cannot stand true […]

A Conscious Obsession

Posted on by Sen.

Life has an obsession towards itself, quite simply because life is all there is. This obsession of life for itself is what manifests into all forms – the underlying force behind all manifestations of life is this energy of “obsession”. If you try to suppress this nature of obsession in you, it ends up creating […]

What Are You Driven By? – Part 2

Posted on by Sen.

This is a follow up on my previous post – What are you driven by? The term “love”, being so widely used for so many different contexts, can create a lot of imagination in the mind about what it means to be “driven by love” – hopefully you don’t imagine this state to indicate some […]

Dissolving the Negative Ego

Posted on by Sen.

Here I am using “negative ego” as a term, I am not using “negative” as an adjective to define ego. The ego is basically the “I” reference in our physicality, and inherently it’s essential for our physical existence to have a structure, meaning and perspective. The problem is basically with the negativity that creeps into […]

What Are You Driven By?

Posted on by Sen.

A look at your mind will easily let you know what’s the predominant feeling you are driven by, it has to be one of these – hatred, fear, sexuality, boredom, joy, love. We are not necessarily driven by one feeling alone, but you can always sense what’s the predominant driving force in your life. It’s […]

How Deliberate Creation Fits in With Allowing

Posted on by Sen.

A lot of people misunderstand the pointer of “allowing”, or surrendering to what is, as a means to become “passive” rather than using it as an understanding to enhance their capacity to live a deliberate life of well-being and growth. The application of allowing is supposed to work in conjunction with the application of deliberate […]

An Example of Dissolving a Fear through Allowing

Posted on by Sen.

There was a recent query in the comment section from a reader dealing with a certain fear in the mind, wanting to understand how to release its hold. I thought it would be useful to use this example to elucidate the actual process that’s involved in dissolving a certain fear in a state of allowing. […]

The Creator Mindset

Posted on by Sen.

In the last post I talked about the state of Inner Wholeness which is about coming to a place free of resistance created by accumulation of negative energy from the past and momentum of negativity in the mind. The state of inner wholeness is extremely conducive to allowing your desired realities to manifest at a […]

Inner Wholeness

Posted on by Sen.

A lot of words like “happiness”, “bliss” and “fulfillment” create a skewed imagination, in the mind, about what it feels like to have a space of inner wholeness. The deal with inner wholeness is that it’s a state of balance or stability, it’s not necessarily a state of a constant high where you jump out […]

3 Steps to Become Completely Free of Fear

Posted on by Sen.

One of the biggest challenges of physical life is dealing with fear. The brain being a survival machine is prone to be “wary” of life all the time, it’s constantly on the guard, worried about the future, doubting the possibility of a positive outcome, confused about existence and always wondering if its missing out on […]

What is Negativity?

Posted on by Sen.

The whole deal of coming to an inner balance is to be free of the hold of negativity. It’s important that I give a clear definition of what I mean by “negativity”, so that a reader’s mind does not run into a misinterpretation of it. The challenge of using words to convey a knowing is […]

Is Efforted Focus Required For Manifestation?

Posted on by Sen.

You see a lot of books on law of attraction which talk about focusing strongly on the reality you desire to create, and to stay in this focus single mindedly until it manifests. Scientifically this is very true, it takes a single minded focus for a seamless manifestation of a desired reality – if your […]

Understanding Anger

Posted on by Sen.

Anger by itself is a very normal expression in a human mind, however an intense/overwhelming anger that grips your being, to the point where you sense that you’ve lost control of your reaction, is a symptom of a high momentum of negativity, in this case an imbalance in dark nature. Anger can get overwhelming when […]

The Probability of Desire Manifestation

Posted on by Sen.

Desire is a thought of creation and this thought has the fuel of your “interest” (emotional and mental interest). This fuel, of your interest, is the initial propelling force that launches your desire into the space of life-energy and it’s added to your already existing life-stream. Your life-stream is basically the movement of life-energy towards […]

A Life Free of Compromises

Posted on by Sen.

The difference between someone who leads a “reactive” life and someone who is conscious of his/her ability to attract reality (their potential for creation) is that the former lives in compromises while the latter always stands true to his/her heart’s choice. I am using “heart” as a metaphor here, by heart’s choice I mean the […]

The Question of Free Will

Posted on by Sen.

The deal with free will is that you have it when you realize that you have it, until then you are basically a puppet to your external conditioning and survival mindset. Free will is a choice which is always available to you owing to the fact that you have the capacity to create your reality […]