Author Archives: Sen

Group Meetup

Posted on by Sen.

During these years I’ve continued to work with people via the personal interaction mode. I will continue doing this but would also like to experiment with the modality of interacting with a group via video conferencing and see how it goes. Along these lines I would be setting up an online meet up, once or […]

How Do I Deal with a Stressful Job Situation?

Posted on by Sen.

Reader’s Question: I am stuck in a stressful job which drains me each day, I can’t leave the job because of financial reasons, how can I find peace in the midst of it? Though the question is specifically about a stressful job situation, it’s applicable to any unpleasant situation in our life which we need […]

Journey Towards a Deeper Consciousness

Posted on by Sen.

Consciousness just implies the ability to be aware, in an open manner, which then leads to an “understanding”. So, when I talk about a deep consciousness, it just implies a deep understanding of life. The perspectives you are privy to in the state of deep consciousness are very different from the ones you align with […]

Does Desire Lead to Suffering?

Posted on by Sen.

Desire leads to suffering when it’s not fulfilled, or when there is a sense of hopelessness towards the possibility of its fulfilment. It’s not the desire that causes suffering, but it does become a potential cause of suffering because once there is a desire there is also the sense of its “lack” until it’s fulfilled. […]

At the Core of Mind’s Fear – Trusting Life

Posted on by Sen.

At the core of almost every psychological fear in the mind is a deep-seated mistrust towards life. I continue to use the word “mind” to represent the thinking aspects in our human self as well as our non-physical self (the soul). If you don’t believe, or are skeptical, about your identity as a soul, or […]

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Life

Posted on by Sen.

Overtime, I’ve received several mails from readers pertaining to various questions they have about life, about awareness, suffering, balance/wholeness, enlightenment, relationships, negativity, physical and non-physical aspects. In this post I will look to consolidate some of these frequently asked questions, mostly as a single point of reference. What is the ultimate truth of life? Though […]

Going Through the Layers of Release

Posted on by Sen.

Becoming grounded in the state of stability requires a release of the imbalanced force of all the “influences” that are present in our being. If I have to categorize the primary influences, it would be – love, hatred, joy, fear, boredom and sexuality, basically the six modes/flavors of thought and emotion. An influence becomes an […]

An Understanding of Creation and Evolution

Posted on by Sen.

The “creative impulse” is an inherent part of our nature as beings of life-energy – the impulse/motivation to create. I don’t mean something mystical when I use the term “creative impulse”, it could be something totally mundane like creating a craft, cooking up a meal, cleaning a room, preparing a report, organizing a house party, […]

Understanding Your Individuality

Posted on by Sen.

One of the aspects of having a balanced mindset is that you are no longer prone towards extremist view-points. You don’t see things in a “black and white” manner, rather you start perceiving the “grey areas”, which is what allows you to be free of delusional thinking. For example, the adage of “you can do […]

How to Take the Right Decisions?

Posted on by Sen.

One of the most undeniable, and inescapable, experiences of living is the experience of making decisions based on choices. There is this whole debate of “total free will” vs “zero free will” but eventually the truth is in the grey areas, you don’t have free-will in some aspects and you do have free-will in some […]

How to Connect With Your Inner Power?

Posted on by Sen.

Love in the absence of power becomes dysfunctional as does power in the absence of love. It’s just that a person who is imbalanced towards the nature of love is usually seen as the “victim” while a person who is imbalanced towards power is seen as a cold-hearted jerk or something evil – they are […]

How Do I Learn to Forgive Myself and Others?

Posted on by Sen.

I get emails with queries along the lines of – “how do I learn to forgive?”, “I did xyz in the past, how can forgive myself?”, “he/she did xyz to me in the past, I am not able to forgive this person, but I want to, how do I do it?”, “I feel a strong […]

How to Find Balance in Life?

Posted on by Sen.

In a state of “low awareness” the tendency of a being is to be unconsciously imbalanced (in varying degrees), however, as one’s awareness starts growing/evolving the natural pull, or pressure, is towards finding conscious balance – it becomes inevitable. The state of low-awareness is also what I call the state of “unconsciousness” – which is […]

Understanding Your Sexual Energy and Sexuality

Posted on by Sen.

Sexuality is a nature in us, as beings of life-energy, and, like every aspect in us, this nature also requires conscious balancing to ensure that we experience, and express, sexuality in a manner that’s aligned with wisdom along with enjoyment/appreciation of the same. As I’ve mentioned in the previous posts, there are 6 natures, or […]

Beyond Positive Thinking

Posted on by Sen.

I was an ardent reader of “self help” books since the later part of my school days and it became quite an obsession with me during my college days. The recurrent theme of most of these self-help books was the power of “positive thinking”. It was easy to summarize, the message in all these books, […]

The Phase of Release

Posted on by Sen.

Everything is essentially “energy” and hence follows all the laws pertaining to energy. One of the truths about energy is that – “energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change forms”. We create an imbalance of emotional energy by inhabiting the state of imbalanced thinking and its accumulation, in turn, leads to […]

Inspiration and Deliberate Choice

Posted on by Sen.

A large part of conscious living is working with the mindset of making deliberate choices (from a place of being objective) on following what feels like a requirement, responsibility, inspiration or exploration, in your current reality. Once you let go of the past momentum created by unconscious living, where you were mostly dragged around by […]

Being Objective

Posted on by Sen.

The dynamics involved in the phase of “letting go” are very different from the dynamics involved in the phase of “conscious living” (or return of focus). The phase of letting-go, or the phase of release, is only required to reach a place of being free of the hold of the past momentum, of emotional and […]

The Foundation of Openness

Posted on by Sen.

The process of finding inner freedom boils down to allowing the dissolution of all the emotional, and mental, momentum created by “resistance-based” thinking, or what I would call the “momentum of resistance”. The end of the momentum of resistance is the beginning of the foundation of openness, which is the requisite for inner freedom. However, […]

Dealing with Depression

Posted on by Sen.

The state of depression can be seen as an imbalanced low state, or in other words a low state of high intensity/momentum. It’s important to understand that depression can happen at two levels Physiological depression Mental depression (these are not medical terms or categories, I’ve coined them for the purpose of my explanation) What I […]

How to Find Your Natural Expertise?

Posted on by Sen.

When we talk about natural expertise we usually restrict our focus on defining the “area” of talent, for example, we might say “he is talented in singing” or “he’s talented with number crunching” – I would call this “area-based” talent. So, whenever you are asked to look within and find your natural expertise, you immediately […]

A Deeper Perspective on Money

Posted on by Sen.

Money is simply a representation of “energy exchange”, you can either take, give or accumulate energy, and your state of balance, or imbalance, dictates how you experience this energy in your life. If you have an inner state of balance, you should/would also have a balance in your financial condition – your financial experience will […]

From Understanding to Internalizing

Posted on by Sen.

If I have summarize the various dysfunctions that people feel in their life, they can be described as below Anxiety – This is an imbalanced aspect of the fear dimension in our thinking. Fear is natural in life, simply because life is “uncertain” (where you can’t even know, with 100% certainty, what’s going to happen […]

Understanding Life

Posted on by Sen.

Life-energy in expression/movement is what I call Life. The whole deal of life is about life-energy exploring itself, experiencing itself and expressing itself. Life-energy does have a certain nature which you can sense in your own mind/thinking-space (after all, every mind is made in the image of the mind of life-energy) – some specifics of […]

Understanding Wholeness

Posted on by Sen.

The nature of experience that stems from a place of wholeness is very different from the experience you had from a place of “imbalance”. In this context, I use the term “imbalance” purely as a relative reference to contrast it with the state of “wholeness”. If you are not in wholeness, you are in imbalance […]