Tag Archives: overcome fear

Overcoming Fear Through Understanding Reality

Posted on by Sen.

You cannot get “rid” of a fear, you can only become “okay” with a fear – when you become okay with a fear, you’ve overcome that fear. If you seek to get rid of a fear you will be entrapped in that fear in some way or the other. Once you accept this simple truth […]

An Example of Dissolving a Fear through Allowing

Posted on by Sen.

There was a recent query in the comment section from a reader dealing with a certain fear in the mind, wanting to understand how to release its hold. I thought it would be useful to use this example to elucidate the actual process that’s involved in dissolving a certain fear in a state of allowing. […]

3 Steps to Become Completely Free of Fear

Posted on by Sen.

One of the biggest challenges of physical life is dealing with fear. The brain being a survival machine is prone to be “wary” of life all the time, it’s constantly on the guard, worried about the future, doubting the possibility of a positive outcome, confused about existence and always wondering if its missing out on […]

Becoming Fearless Within

Posted on by Sen.

One of the most deluded ways of living life is to live it for the “pursuit” of happiness. I don’t mean “deluded” in a derogatory way, but just as a factual way of saying that it’s not the most prudent way to live. Happiness is the basic necessity for a harmonious functioning of the body […]

Moving From Wisdom Rather Than Fear

Posted on by Sen.

In a simple sense the whole point of being aware is to be free of resistance of the mind so that one can move freely in accordance with inner guidance and inspiration. The mind’s resistance is a constant obstacle that seems to stand in the way of our seamless expression of our full potential. Anxiety, […]

Becoming Free of the Resistance of Fear

Posted on by Sen.

The dimension of fear can be a huge challenge for most people and can act as the biggest resistance to them aligning with their life-stream. However, like all dimensions in the mind, when one is aligned with this dimension, it allows for a positive, and wholesome, experience of life. Just imagine how your life would […]

A Fearful Mind Is a Catalyst for Awakening

Posted on by Sen.

If you notice, it’s not the negative thoughts that are the problem but the “feeling” it generates that causes suffering. Feelings are linked with thoughts because a feeling is generated by whether a thought is in resistance to your life stream or if it’s aligned with it. If a thought is in resistance to your […]

What Is The Cause of Nightmares? (And How to Stop Such Dreams)

Posted on by Sen.

Your dreams are an excellent gauge of the various vibrations present in you and they indicate if you are dominantly in a positive vibration or in a negative vibration. Your dreams are highly indicative of the various subconscious vibrations (feelings/emotions/thoughts that are present in you that you are not facing up to consciously), and thus […]

Positive Thinking Vs Fearless Awareness

Posted on by Sen.

A thought is basically “energy vibrating”. Also, an energy vibration can only produce/attract thoughts of similar frequency. When your underlying vibration has patterns of fear/hatred, it’s not really possible to be authentically positive in your thoughts – of course these underlying vibrations of fear/hatred are originally created by some “core thoughts” of confusion or misalignment […]

How Do I Overcome My Fear of Flying?

Posted on by Sen.

This was a query that came in from one of the readers, and I thought I would post the reply as blog post so that it can be insightful to other readers who might be dealing with certain “Phobias”. Where does fear originate? It’s important to realize a very simple truth that fear “originates” in […]

Stop Identifying With Fear

Posted on by Sen.

I use the word “identification” because that’s the root cause of suffering. If you don’t identify with something, it cannot have power over you. You are pure consciousness, and you are also the human mind (as a physical expression of you). The human mind has the capacity to think negative or positive thoughts. The human […]

Why Is My Mind Obsessed with Thoughts of Fear?

Posted on by Sen.

Some minds can be highly obsessed with fearful thoughts to the extent of becoming intolerable. Most people who possess such minds take medications, drugs or alcohol in a bid to find some relief from its incessant noise. If you are among the people who are in possession of a mind obsessed with negativity and fear, […]