Tag Archives: law of attraction

A Deeper Perspective on Money

Posted on by Sen.

Money is simply a representation of “energy exchange”, you can either take, give or accumulate energy, and your state of balance, or imbalance, dictates how you experience this energy in your life. If you have an inner state of balance, you should/would also have a balance in your financial condition – your financial experience will […]

Law of Attraction and Destiny

Posted on by Sen.

The more you observe life, the more you start understanding that the truth is always found in the “grey” areas, rather than in a black and white form of thinking. Different teachings pertaining to the “law of attraction” have been around for a long time, and movies like “The Secret” created a form of mass […]

Is Efforted Focus Required For Manifestation?

Posted on by Sen.

You see a lot of books on law of attraction which talk about focusing strongly on the reality you desire to create, and to stay in this focus single mindedly until it manifests. Scientifically this is very true, it takes a single minded focus for a seamless manifestation of a desired reality – if your […]

Insights on Deliberate Creation

Posted on by Sen.

The whole idea of deliberate creation is to understand your potential to create your desired reality without struggle. The way I define struggle is – “An action that does not come from a place of inspiration, but from a place of fear, through belief in lack”. Action will be required, in some form, before a […]

The Pain of Change

Posted on by Sen.

The mind is inherently afraid of pain of any form – be it physical pain or emotional pain. The irony is that we go through a lot of pain in our life just to avoid facing a certain pain that we fear. For example, the fear of facing the pain of being rejected by our […]

Becoming A Deliberate Creator

Posted on by Sen.

The universe that you see around you was not created “randomly”, but it’s a creation of specific intent or “deliberate” intent on the part of the body of conscious energy that you essentially are. “Matter” cannot take shape in the absence of an “intent” for the creation of that matter. In fact, all forms are […]

The Science of Manifestation

Posted on by Sen.

There are many books being written on the law of attraction, and it’s a good thing because the more humans become aware of this truth the more deliberate they will be in their thoughts and alignment, and thus become conscious creators of their reality. When you understand that you have the choice to mold your […]

Letting Go Of Lack Based Thinking

Posted on by Sen.

A lot of humans have a lack based mentality owing to the fact that human society at large seems to look at this universe from a lack based perspective. As a child you watch your parents quibble about money, and worry about the future, and your brain starts associating “lack” as the reality of life. […]

Law of Attraction is the Basis of Creation

Posted on by Sen.

You cannot truly enjoy life until you align with your potential as a “creator”. The world you see around you is just “creation”, it’s just thought condensed into physical-ness. Who is focusing on these thoughts? And how are thoughts being converted to physical realities? Have you ever wondered who is keeping this entire physical reality […]

How Law of Attraction Affects the Thoughts in Your Mind

Posted on by Sen.

Are you constantly bombarded with thoughts that create feelings of stress, anxiety, worry, nervousness, jealousy, limitedness, or inferiority? Whether you are conscious of it or not, the fact remains that you are attracting these thoughts in your mind. You can blame your life situation, and circumstances, as much as you want but the truth still […]