Tag Archives: balancing life

How Do I Deal with a Stressful Job Situation?

Posted on by Sen.

Reader’s Question: I am stuck in a stressful job which drains me each day, I can’t leave the job because of financial reasons, how can I find peace in the midst of it? Though the question is specifically about a stressful job situation, it’s applicable to any unpleasant situation in our life which we need […]

How to Find Balance in Life?

Posted on by Sen.

In a state of “low awareness” the tendency of a being is to be unconsciously imbalanced (in varying degrees), however, as one’s awareness starts growing/evolving the natural pull, or pressure, is towards finding conscious balance – it becomes inevitable. The state of low-awareness is also what I call the state of “unconsciousness” – which is […]

How to Deal With Discontentment?

Posted on by Sen.

Growth is an inherent nature of life-energy. The term “growth” is just a pointer – it basically points to the dynamic nature of life-energy, which is also what is sensed as “aliveness”. The word “life” is more a verb than a noun, it’s not a constant, it’s ever-changing, always in movement. Life-energy is also an […]

Healing the Imbalance

Posted on by Sen.

If you observe scientifically, you will notice that life-energy is a combination of two polarities, different teachings use different names to define these polarities – yin and yang, masculine and feminine, dark and light, high and low etc. The biggest misunderstanding is to assume that harmony can come by rejecting one polarity and clinging to […]

Integrating Your Light and Dark Nature

Posted on by Sen.

I always describe the natural vibration of life-energy as “wholeness”. I used to refer to it as “pure positive” in some of the older posts but that term was highly misleading, just as the term “negative” is misleading. The reason why “wholeness” is a better term to describe the natural vibration of life-energy is because […]

A Balance between Experience and Expression

Posted on by Sen.

The reason why non-physical life energy comes into physicality is for the dual purpose of “experiencing” and “expressing”. One without the other feels “empty” – if you are only experiencing but not expressing, you soon start feeling hollow, and when you are only expressing, without savoring the experience, you start feeling burnt out. We are […]

Balance Your Personal Perspectives with the Absolute Perspective

Posted on by Sen.

As a human being, our mind has the tendency to have many human, or humane, perspectives. However, when we are totally ignorant of a higher or absolute perspective, it’s possible for our “humane perspectives” to become a source of negative thinking. For example, a person who is against non-vegetarians, because he/she thinks that non-vegetarians bring […]