Tag Archives: anxiety

Dealing with Depression

Posted on by Sen.

The state of depression can be seen as an imbalanced low state, or in other words a low state of high intensity/momentum. It’s important to understand that depression can happen at two levels Physiological depression Mental depression (these are not medical terms or categories, I’ve coined them for the purpose of my explanation) What I […]

How to Have Aware Social Interactions?

Posted on by Sen.

There is a saying – “No man is an island, entire of itself”, which simply translates to the reality-based fact that no being is totally independent of inter-dependence – life works on the principle of leveraging inter-dependence; for example, flowers depend on the bees for their replication and the bees depend on the flowers for […]

Reducing Mind Momentum is the Key

Posted on by Sen.

The problem is that anything can be used by the mind to hike its activity even more, for example, when there are teachings about “ego” in spiritual circles, the mind hooks on to the teachings and goes about trying to get rid of the ego, making this into a new obsession. When there is a […]

One Practice to Overcome Obsessive Thoughts

Posted on by Sen.

Most people who get stuck with obsessive thoughts, or people who have an anxiety condition (where their brain is constantly thinking anxious thoughts), fail to realize that this condition is a “symptom” and not the problem itself. They keep trying to treat the symptom without acknowledging the real problem. They look to try to solve […]

How to Overcome A Negative Body Image?

Posted on by Sen.

A physical body has its boundaries and limitations which are basically defined by the natural conditioning present in it (biologically it’s attributed to “Genetics”). Just like there no two blades of grass that are alike, there are no two human bodies that are exactly alike (even twins), so each body has its own unique features. […]

6 Pointers To Overcome Social Anxiety

Posted on by Sen.

Social anxiety is a big challenge for many people. My definition of social anxiety would be the presence of anxiousness/fear in a human mind when it’s subject to a situation where it has to communicate with other people or be around them. Social anxiety may cause you to be reserved, shy or introverted out of […]

How to Stop Self Hatred

Posted on by Sen.

Self hatred is a highly toxic form of thinking because it directly resists your well-being. When you have thoughts of inferiority about yourself, or when you feel undeserving/unworthy, it’s a form of self hatred because through these thoughts you are undermining yourself and not valuing who you are. Always remember that who you are is […]

The Only Practice Needed For Liberation from the Mind

Posted on by Sen.

The “mind” here means the tyranny of thoughts that pull you about and create feelings of fear (stress, jealousy, anxiety, worry etc). Liberation, or freedom, in its true sense is to be free of being pulled in by thoughts. The mind is a very powerful tool but it becomes a huge hindrance to our well-being […]